Have a teen? Sign up for Pass it On!

Have a teen? Sign up for Pass it On!

Do you have a teen (or know one) who starts at GISS this school year? Pass it On is a perfect way to meet friends, practice important life skills, have fun and make a smooth transition into high school. For teenagers who are already in high school is Pass it On a...
The Circle Education reaches more youth

The Circle Education reaches more youth

School is out and the Circle Education is looking back at another successful year. The not-for-profit organization that offers social-emotional educational programs in the school district, has reached more students, children and youth this school year than ever...
Working with Youth Training on June 28th and 29th

Working with Youth Training on June 28th and 29th

The Circle Education is running a ‘Working with Youth’ course on June 28th and 29th. This training will ensure that you are able to connect with youth in a meaningful and supportive way. You’ll build trust and relationships, and develop strong practices to ensure that...
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