
Thankful & Still Elated

April 7, 2020

All of us SWOVA — board, staff, and facilitators — were delighted with and very grateful for the generosity and support that 100+ Women Who Care showed SWOVA Community Development and Research Society at its February 24 meeting.

As the number of nominations grow in the charity basket, we were well aware that the chances of SWOVA being randomly drawn were decreasing. So, we nearly leapt from our seats when we were drawn, and we truly did leap from our seats when SWOVA was voted to receive the funds!

The donations will ensure that our programs can empower more of our children and youth to feel confident about themselves and their ability to contribute to their families, schools, and community. Thank you to all of the members of 100+ Women Who Care who voted for SWOVA and for the youth of our island.

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