Join The Circle

girls at table

We’re delighted that you’re becoming a member of The Circle Education!

Your support makes a big difference to the work we do in our community. Your membership shows us, and our funders, that our vision and our mission matters. By becoming a member, you’re letting us know that you believe that building healthy families and communities starts with children and youth gaining the skills and attitudes they need to create healthy relationships.

Membership entitles you to a say in the governance of The Circle Salt Spring Education Society through the Annual General Meeting. You will receive one newsletter a month with insights, information and updates to keep you inspired and engaged. From time to time, we also look to our members for other input to guide us in decision-making.


Widen your Circle of Influence – Become a Member of The Circle Education!

How to become a member of The Circle

Individual memberships cost $20 per year. Our membership year is from September through August.

By becoming a member, you agree to support our mission and advocate for our work. We encourage you to read and observe our Constitution & Bylaws.

To vote at a General Meeting, your membership due must be paid at least 30 days in advance of the meeting. Our Annual General Meeting this year is at the end of November.

1. Online: You can purchase or renew your membership by completing the form to the right. You’ll be redirected to PayPal to complete payment.

2. Offline: You can download this PDF form and mail it to us with a cheque. Our mailing address is in the footer on this webpage. Want to renew your membership offline? Use this form instead.

Purchase or Renew Your Membership

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