“They are a generation whose whole education has been under the diabolical design of the racists to poison the minds and brainwash our children into docile subjects of apartheid rule.” -Nelson Mandela Thirty-nine years ago and yesterday, South African...
The Process of Consent by Elise Pearson
On May 25th girls from the Salish Sea Girls' Leadership Project and recruits from grade 12 at GISS (Gulf Islands Secondary School) entered the high school to talk to the grade 11 students about sexual health and consent. In my own experience, and in speaking with...
SparkFest – Sparkling Inspiration
Sparkfest is the annual SWOVA fundraiser that the youth from Pass It On organize. This year on April 30, they really outdid themselves: Music by Ashleigh Ball from Hey Ocean, Tara Maclean & Suzanne Little, spoken word from Morgan Klassen, and the GISS imrov team....
Nurture Commitment – By Kate Nash
As the last months of Pass it On pass by, I am confronted with the word commitment. We all practice commitment in our lives, more often unconsciously. We are the most committed to our lovers, children, friends and habits, following through in our support without...
Be Inspired! Sparkle at Sparkfest
Good News! Sparkfest is weeks away, and we are all getting very excited for our 5th annual Pass It On benefit. Sparkfest will be held on April 30th at the Harbour House Hotel. This year’s generous performers are Ashleigh Ball from Hey Ocean; the Brony documentary;...
Why I Call Myself a Feminst / # Name Calling – By Sharyn Carroll
Feminist: Adjective – of relating to or advocating for equal rights for women; advocating for social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men. Noun – An advocate for such rights; a person who advocates for equal rights for women. ...
Media Literacy – By Sharyn Carroll
Technology use is now intertwined with our lives so much that we live in a culture where we are constantly being bombarded with messages from the media at an alarming rate. Our love of media is not a new one. According to the Halifax Insurance Digital Home Index,...
Stressed Out Youth – by Sharyn Carroll
Youth, just like adults, face many stressors. Stress can have negative impacts on individual lives and create obstacles in relationships. In my experience I see youth as young as 13 years old feeling stressed out and overwhelmed on a daily basis. Stress affects both...
Sexual Harassment and Assault Continue in the News – by Lynda Laushway
We ended 2014 reeling from the allegations of violent sexual assaults and drugging victims against Jian Gomeshi and Bill Cosby, sexual improprieties on Parliament Hill and sexually violent threats by Dalhousie University dental students. We had a break over the...
SWOVA’s Respectful Relationships are Inclusive for All – by Sharyn Carroll
The question is - how do we talk about the prevalence of violence against women in our communities without blaming and shaming the boys and young men in the room? Just the other day I was approached by a member of our community who felt strongly that boys are being...
An Invitation from Emma Watson to Join the ‘He for She Campaign’ in the Struggle for Gender Equality
"Fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities....
A Young People’s History of the United States – a book review by Megan Manning
“Maybe our future can be found in the past’s moments of kindness and courage rather than its centuries of warfare.” – Howard Zinn Most history books are written by the winners, but this book presents history from a different point of view. The history of the...