

Spring Brings Simple Generosity

We are delighted and honoured to have been chosen as the first beneficiary of a new charitable program called Simple Generosity!  Initiated by Island Savings/First West Credit Union, the program celebrates Canada’s upcoming 150th birthday celebration by applauding...

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We’re hiring! Male Facilitator – Contract

We’re hiring! Male Facilitator – Contract

Position Title:  Male Facilitator, Respectful Relationships Program ("RR") Contract: November 1, 2016 - May 30, 2017   The successful candidate will have education, job skills and training in the areas of youth violence prevention, social justice, community organizing...

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SWOVA Focuses on Consent and Sexual Assault

SWOVA Focuses on Consent and Sexual Assault

Statistics tell us that one in three women and one in six men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, while less than one in ten assaults are reported to the authorities. Most sexual assaults happen by someone the victim knows. (Stats Can 2004)...

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Blog Archives

The Circle’s Leaders in Social Change Bursary’ awardees

The Circle’s Leaders in Social Change Bursary’ awardees

Every year The Circle awards a bursary of $250 each, to one male and one female student who have participated in The Circle’s Pass-It-On Program as a mentor and have demonstrated a strong commitment to leadership and fostering healthy relationships. This years'...

‘Pass It On helped me to grow stronger friendships’

‘Pass It On helped me to grow stronger friendships’

Adele Mark, our Marketing and Communications Assistant at The Circle and former Pass It on Girl, spoke with Emma Phillips to hear about her experiences the past five years in the Pass It On Girls program. Emma has been a part of the Pass It On Girls program since...

Consent from the Start

Consent from the Start

I have advocated for consent for over a decade, but if I am going to be honest, I only began to practise consent within the last three years. I am not talking about sexual consent. However, I am going to assume that when I said “consent,” you thought I meant “sexual...

Top 6 Benefits of Social–Emotional Learning in the Classroom

Top 6 Benefits of Social–Emotional Learning in the Classroom

COVID-19 Impact on Social–Emotional Learning The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected students’ academic performance, but it has also significantly impacted their social–emotional learning. Research shows that students are experiencing an increased lack of...

Power of Connection in Facing Challenge

Power of Connection in Facing Challenge

I recently heard about a fascinating study in which researchers were investigating human perception of challenge. One of their findings was that when a person stands at the base of a hill that they are about to climb, they perceive the hill to be 10 to 20% larger than...

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