Power of Connection in Facing Challenge

Power of Connection in Facing Challenge

I recently heard about a fascinating study in which researchers were investigating human perception of challenge. One of their findings was that when a person stands at the base of a hill that they are about to climb, they perceive the hill to be 10 to 20% larger than...
SWOVA’s Programs Go Online

SWOVA’s Programs Go Online

Given the realities of the “new normal” and physical distancing, SWOVA is taking advantage of the benefits of online learning to continue to support children and youth with their social and emotional well-being. Pass-It-On Girls is currently being offered...
Thankful & Still Elated

Thankful & Still Elated

All of us SWOVA — board, staff, and facilitators — were delighted with and very grateful for the generosity and support that 100+ Women Who Care showed SWOVA Community Development and Research Society at its February 24 meeting. As the number of nominations grow in...
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