by Admin Editor | Feb 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
By Sharyn Carroll Rape; \rap\~ [noun] The word rape originally comes the Latin “rapere” – meaning to abduct, grab or snatch. Somewhere along our linguistic evolution, its meaning morphed to include intimidating, threatening or forcing someone to have sexual...
by Admin Editor | Feb 16, 2016 | From the Headlines, Programs
From high profile cases in the media to Canadian students and faculty calling for change across college and university campuses, the term “Consent” is being put under a microscope. Our understanding of this word raises communication to a whole new level in a fast...
by Admin Editor | Sep 16, 2015 | From the Headlines
Consent is a big topic in the news these days. What constitutes consent to sexual activity? When and how is consent given? How do we misinterpret consent? These are some of the topics in the news and on many peoples’ minds. This is particularly true for...
by Admin Editor | Jun 3, 2014 | From the Headlines
With great sadness I write about the rape and murder of two girls in Northern India last week. Two cousins ages 14 and 15 went out to the fields in the night to relieve themselves because they have no toilet inside their house. They were brutally gang-raped by a group...
by Admin Editor | Apr 8, 2014 | From the Headlines, News, Programs, Youth programs
A Salt Spring Island campaign taking place with the aim to address stereotypes and silence regarding crime and victims of crime in our community. SWOVA’s Salish Sea Girls’ Leadership Project secured the funding from the Federal Ministry of Justice to run the campaign...
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