
International Women’s Day Event!

February 8, 2017

March 8 is International Women’s Day (IWD)

and SWOVA’s opportunity to celebrate!

Together we will honour exceptional women who volunteer their time and talent, energy and enthusiasm in our community. This year SWOVA is partnering with Volunteer and Community Resources (VCR) to help us identify women volunteers of all ages, cis and trans, who make – and have made – a significant difference to the well-being of Salt Spring’s diverse community.

We have sought and received nominations from non-profit societies, organizations, groups and individuals to recognize women for their exceptional work in the arts, education, social and health fields or in the environmental, agricultural, sport communities including everyone from youth to seniors!

This year SWOVA will honour Women Volunteers as Changemakers

at our “Tapas and Treats” event

at ArtSpring 7:00 to 9:00pm on Wednesday, March 8th, 2017.


Please join us for an evening of celebration, inspiration and fundraising!

Tickets are $25, available at ArtSpring Box Office.

Tapas, Treats, Cash Bar!  Entertainment, Awards, Silent Auction


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