
Lets talk about Respect, Relationships and Sex

February 2, 2012


Dialogue Circles
February 14 or 16,

(Registration required)

A collaborative evening of dialogue for parents and youth of the Gulf Islands

These evening talking circles are an opportunity for open, honest and safe dialogue between youth and parents about the realities of healthy relationships, intimacy, and sex.  In our society although we hear about sexuality all the time in music, TV programs, and movies; we rarely have open, healthy discussions about the subject.

SWOVA’s Respectful Relationships program (R+R) has been delivered to students in School District #64 for 12 years.  We are now pleased to facilitate a community opportunity for intergenerational dialogue around self-esteem, boundaries, assertive communication, influence of the media, and healthy relationships with ourselves and others. We will be doing separate gender talking circles.  The event is trans and questioning positive.

Space is limited to 12 youth and 12 adults per workshop each evening.  Registration is required so sign up for either the 14 or 16 February workshops.

Call 250-537-1336 or e-mail info[at]swova[dot]org

Workshops will take place on Salt Spring Island, B.C. CANADA

Thanks to our funders: Victoria Foundation & Salt Spring Island Foundation

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