

Exciting News at SWOVA

March 15, 2011

We recently found out that the Department of Justice Canada is funding us to work in partnership with the Musqueam Indian Band.  As part of their Justice Partnership and Innovation Program – Access to Justice for Aboriginal Women, we will look at existing data from Aboriginal youth who have taken our Respectful Relationships (R+R) program to determine the issues specific to Aboriginal youth and safety and make recommendations for the best ways to engage them in healthy relationships education.

Five Aboriginal women will review our R+R curricula and recommend changes to make the materials culturally relevant for Aboriginal youth, thus creating an Aboriginal R+R program.  We will also create an E-learning training program for R+R facilitators that we hope to pilot test with the Musquean people in the fall.

We are all very excited about our new partnership and the great opportunity that this holds.

Lynda Laushway – (Executive Director)

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