

The Beloveds – by Christina Antonick

February 6, 2013

This following image was chosen by the Obama campaign to be the image that came up when they declared their victory in November. It went on to become one of the most liked photographs of all time (it was an image actually taken last August).

Someone commented that it was an interesting choice – such a private moment for such a public event. The photographer says, “He and the first lady are so focused on each other. The way that they play off each other and get energy from each other… The obvious love and respect that they have for each other, and that the relationship is clearly one of equals, despite the fact that he’s the president, is remarkable. ”

The Beloveds as both archetypical and real… is the palpable shift happening in our world at this time. We are hungry for it… and collectively desire to experience it, on profound levels in our own personal lives. This photograph and its popularity speak of what John Gottman, a professor of Psychology at the University of Washington is advocating in his NY Times best-seller “The Seven Principles for making Marriage Work”… the sacred marriage as the foundation for global health and well-being. He boldly states (sigh! Yah! of course!)

“I believe the emotionally intelligent husband is the next step in social evolution.”

He has spent the last 16 years studying couples, marriage and divorce.

I think this is why people enjoy this image of the Obamas and their relationship overall. It is about a man and a woman and the embodied and emotionally intelligent and socially evolved man clearly accepting a woman’s influence and articulating and showing his respect, love and admiration for her, in her intelligence, power and grace. This is as a true act of strength and relational loving…. the strength of Sacred Union.

Christina Antonick –  R+R Adult Facilitator

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