

Sparkfest: Creating and Celebrating Community – by Kate Maurice

April 24, 2012

On April 24th, Pass It On is coming to the end of this year’s program which means, in the words of female student mentor, Paige Penny, ‘We now throw Sparkfest as a way to celebrate the past year and to build momentum for the next year.”

April 29th marks the 2nd anniversary of Sparkfest – A community event that brings the community together to celebrate youth and young female mentors, and to promote SWOVA’s work with young women and men in the community. Sparkfest has matured and developed just like this year’s Pass It On program. This year, we’ve invited community women in to share their talents and this year’s Sparkfest is inviting female performers from the community to bring voice to their passion, during an intimate dessert and mocktail event.

Sparkfest is held this year at the Harbour House Hotel on Salt Spring Island, in the Orchard Ballroom, creating a classy venue for participants and performers alike.

“We wanted to create an environment that highlighted the maturity of the program and created a space of intimacy between the audience and the female performers.”

– Nikky Varlis Love, female student mentor –

The show starts at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday April 29th at the Harbour House Hotel. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.  Tickets are $25.00 and all proceeds go to supporting SWOVA and next year’s Pass It On Program. Tickets are available at B Side, Salt Spring Books, SWOVA, and at the door. Sparkfest is open to all ages. Children under 12 are free.  Price of admission gets you free desserts created by the Harbour House Chef and the female mentors will be serving mocktails. There will also be a silent auction with donations from the community. The opportunity of potential financial support is one of the key reasons for running Sparkfest.

“We really hope the community comes out to support us. It’s our way to share our growth and give back with a night of fun.”  – Sarah Kyle, female student mentor –

There is an incredible line up of local female performers Including, international singing sensation, Hey Ocean!

Hey Ocean
Barbara Slater
Ahava Shira
Naomi Jason
Billie Woods
Phoenix Lazare

Bios can be found at

 “Pass it On is fundamental in its simplicity – awakening the heartfelt development of young women. There is nothing more important than having a space for young people to connect, share, and learn in a safe environment. Hopefully we can recreate some of that at Sparkfest. We look forward to seeing all of you there.” – Kate Maurice, Mentor Supervisor

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