

Ground Spark

August 24, 2011

Working in the classroom with Respectful Relationships (R+R) youth, we often find that media tools including YouTube videos, documentaries, and magazine articles assist us in our dialogues with youth. We encourage youth in their critical thinking about Media and its influence on our lives and try and present positive media that influences meaningful social change. San Francisco based Ground Spark, a producer and distributor of visionary films that address sexism, racism, and homophobia.  Ground Spark has an exciting library of captivating films that further engage island youth in meaningful conversations around violence, respectful relationships, school culture, and social norms.

“Let’s Get Real,” “Straight Laced,” and “Its Elementary” are films we use in R+R to encourage thoughtful dialogue. Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, president and senior producer of Ground Spark,  is a nationally recognized champion of using film as an organizing tool for social justice campaigns.  She is a pioneering leader in the international movement, working to create safe and welcoming schools and communities.

It’s exciting to continue to see the work we do at SWOVA as part of a wider global social justice movement dedicated to health and safety for all people. Check out Ground Spark at www.groundspark.org

Why is everyone talking about Consent?  By Sharyn Carroll

Why is everyone talking about Consent? By Sharyn Carroll

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The Process of Consent by Elise Pearson

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