
Sexual Health for Youth

June 14, 2011

This spring SWOVA organized the first Sexual Health Fair at Gulf Islands Secondary School and an afternoon of workshops on sexual health for the grade 11 students. There were information booths set up during the lunch break for students from the whole school to browse through.  A number of community agencies set up their information tables.   Overall it was a great success and the participating youth were very positive in their evaluation of the day.

Two local doctors, a public health nurse and two community-based   facilitators carried out the workshops with the assistance of trained youth facilitators from grade 12.

Students had some profound comments on their experience:

 “Respect and communicating and openness are more important than I ever imagined and this workshop confirmed this.” Male student

“I learned… always make my thoughts and feelings clear, no matter what the situation, be safe.” Female student

“I learned that sex is a sacred thing; the importance of being honest; clarify rumours and stereotypes; and intimacy is more important than the physical aspects of sex.”  Male student

“It was a very good balance of Doctor stuff and talking about the emotional stuff.”

“Asking questions to a doctor really helped a lot.”

Having an open dialogue with youth about sex is an important way to ensure their future health.

Lynda LaushwayExecutive Director

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