

Deaths of Aboriginal Teens Rise in British Columbia

February 16, 2011

The last week of January was a tough week here in British Columbia.  On January 22nd, eighteen-year old Tyeshia Jones from the Cowichan Tribes, was murdered near Duncan.  On January 27th, seventeen year-old Chassidy Charlie of the Cheslatta Carrier Nation was murdered in Burns Lake.

Two young Aboriginal women with promising lives and futures were taken.   Both murders remain unsolved at this point.  Two families and two communities are bereft, shocked  and confused by these horrors.

I keep waiting for the media to launch an outcry- why Aboriginal young women?  What is happening in our province?  What are the attitudes and acceptance of behaviours that could lead to these heinous crimes?  So far, it has not happened…

Links: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/police-find-body-believed-to-be-missing-duncan-teen/article1887161/?cmpid=rss1


Lynda Laushway (Pass It On Coordinator)

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