
Hello World!

January 6, 2011

SWOVA – Saltspring Women Opposed to Violence and Abuse – is moving into the 21st century!

This will be our blog and we’ll also be adding a twitter account to help those who care about eliminating violence.  We hope you join us and build our community online.

We plan to write about education, prevention, community action, and support.  We hope to share findings with you, success stories from our program participants.  We’d like to hear from you as well – what ways are you working in your communities to build leadership skills in youth, communication skills, etc?  We intend to share research, opinions, stories and insight.  You’ll read a range of authors here on this blog:

  • Lynda Laushway – Executive Director of SWOVA – Lynda will be sharing her strategic view on the issues of preventing violence and abuse
  • Chris Gay – leads the Pass-it-on Program, a community-based youth mentoring project.  Participants of the program might also join the chorus of voices.
  • Other authors may also appear as “guests” or eventually regular columnists.  Representatives from the Respectful Relationships program (R+R) will participate, too.

It’s an exciting time, honestly a little scary, but we are guided by this timeless quote from Margaret Mead:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

In today’s world, this small group of citizens could be spread around the globe, and these social media can help us connect.

The Parent Project Podcast: Less talking, more listening

The Parent Project Podcast: Less talking, more listening

Episode 6 of the Parent Project Podcast is all about communication. How can we overcome communication barriers to improve relationships within our family? Parents and grandparents share communication challenges and successes with their kids and grandkids. “Less...

Parent Project Podcast: Managing Big Emotions with Mindfulness

Parent Project Podcast: Managing Big Emotions with Mindfulness

How do we practice mindfulness in the day-to-day of our busy family lives? In the fifth episode of the Parent Project podcast parents talk about personal experiences of practicing and fostering mindfulness in their kids. And they all agree: mindfulness, being in the...

The Parent Project: Strengthen your Empathy Muscle

The Parent Project: Strengthen your Empathy Muscle

The fourth episode of the Parent Project Podcast is all about empathy. How do you role model empathy with your children? And how can you show empathy for them, when they are not at their best? Well, they say empathy is a muscle, so you can strengthen it. In the...

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