
After Ghomeshi – a speaker event at Salt Spring Forum Sept 30/16

September 21, 2016

After Ghomeshi: Sexual Assault & Canadian Law – An Evening with Sandy Garossino

After Ghomeshi: Sexual Assault & Canadian Law – An Evening with Sandy Garossino

30 Sep 2016
7:30 pm – 9:15 pm

Beaver Point Hall

The Jian Ghomeshi trial cast a Canada-wide spotlight on the topic of sexual violence, and raised the question of whether Canadian law needs to be modernized.

Why do so many instances of sexual assault go unreported and of those reported, why are the conviction rates so low? What does this situation say about Canadian society today, and how do we fix it?

Former Crown prosecutor-turned-journalist Sandy Garossino joins the Salt Spring Forum to discuss these important questions and more. This is the first event of the Forum’s Canada 150 series—a special series that explores the great challenges and opportunities facing Canada today.

Sandy Garossino is an associate editor at the National Observer and a powerful voice in Canadian public affairs. She is widely read for her commentary on politics, feminism and sexual assault. Her articles have also become “must reads” for anyone interested in Canadian law and policy.

Please note that this event takes place at Beaver Point Hall. Tickets are on sale through the ArtSpring Box Office at 250.537.2102 and online, or at Salt Spring Books. $15 Forum Members; $20 General Admission.

Listen to Sandy Garossino comment on the the Jian Ghomeshi acquittal (on CBC’s Day Six; March 25, 2016):  

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