

More Funding for the R+R Program

October 31, 2012

Press Release – 31 October 2012

We are delighted to hear that the Respectful Relationships Program (R+R) has two more funders. Coast Capital Saving’s generous grant of $10,000 and Mid-Island Coop’s grant of $1,000 will go towards delivering the R+R workshops to approximately 500 students in our schools in School District #64.  It is through the support of businesses, foundations and our local community that we are able to teach students about respect and safety in relationships.

Without your support, we would not have been able to keep the R+R program going for the last 13 years.  We and the students appreciate all our supporters.  Violence prevention is key to making a more peaceful world and with your support you are actively participating in creating a non-violent community.

An R+R student summed it up:

“I personally think that respecting others is the most important skill in every kind of circumstance.  When people are respecting one another, conflicts will gradually decrease, as long as people are willing to listen and accept other’s opinions.”


Every year we receive feedback from youth in the R+R program who say it has changed their lives.  When grade 10 students were asked what they would apply based on what they learned in the R+R program they shared the following comments:

“Being able to reflect on difficult situations with myself and others.”

“I’ll have a lot more empathy and be able to deal with negative emotions in a healthier way.”

“I’ll think about other people’s feelings and be careful about what I say.”


The students in the R+R Youth Team learn to support their peers and co-facilitate workshops for younger students.  They take on leadership roles by modeling respect, assertiveness and awareness around issues like sexism, racism, and homophobia.  By participating in the Youth Team, they gain skills which they will use in their life and work.

As one youth team member put it:

“This work experience undoubtedly has a strong impact on developing my personal thinking towards different situations in school and outside school, building cooperative skills when participating on a team, building self-esteem and capability to speak in public.”


You are supporting a more peaceful culture – A big thank you to Coast Capital Savings and Mid-Island Co-op!

For more information about the R+R program, go to the Respectful Relationships page

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