Leading up to International Women’s Day, we asked Sophia vom Bauer Jackson, service manager at the Salt Spring Island Public Library, to make a list of contemporary female-focused books. This is her Top 5 (fiction and non-fiction) plus some extra recommendations (all...
Healthy Risk Taking is about Growing and Developing
Teenagers crave and seek risks. It helps them to develop and grow. We often think of risk-taking as dangerous, but risk-taking is not always negative. Healthy risk-taking – like hiking up a mountain, riding a unicycle, or performing on stage – helps kids build...
Social-Emotional Learning during the Holidays
School is almost out, and students will have a well-deserved break from class. However, learning doesn’t have to stop completely as soon as school is out for the year. The holidays are the perfect time to practice kindness and generosity. We've curated five tips to...
Never too Young to Remember December 6
On December 6th, 1989, the day that fourteen young women at l’École Polytechnique in Montreal were killed by a gunman as a deliberate act of violence against women, Quinn Mulherin (21, she/they*) wasn’t born yet. She learned about the tragedy years later when she...
The Past and the Future of the Core (Inn)
Salt Spring Island does not have a lot of facilities to accommodate young people, but we do have The Core (Inn) on McPhilipps Avenue. It is a safe place where island youth can come together to hang out, play music and games, and where snacks and healthy food are...
“To See Kids Open Up, is Massive’
Valeskca San Martin, a French immersion teacher at Salt Spring Elementary, has had the Respect Program – former Respectful Relationships - in her classroom for almost a decade. She sees social-emotional learning as an essential addition to the academics that are...
Book about stereotypes helps kids combat bias
Identifying and questioning stereotypes, bias, and prejudice has been part of our educational programs since we started to develop our social-emotional learning framework for kids and youth twenty-five years ago. It turns out that stereotypes start to take form in our...
Five Things I Learned in Pass it On
Olivia Sugden is this year’s recipient of The Circle Education Pass It On Mentorship Award. Olivia has been part of the Pass it On Girls program for the past three years. She was wholeheartedly committed to the program and its participants, and with her warm, open and...
The lessons I Learned from my Mental Health Problems in my Youth
May 7th is National Child & Youth Mental Health Day. Willie MacPherson was impacted by mental health problems throughout his youth. He was addicted to sugar, video games, and drugs, but found healing. He shares the lessons he learned on the way. Talk Talking about...
Olivia Hayne: ‘Young People Often Think They’re Untouchable’
Grade 11 students of the Gulf Island Secondary School are attending a P.A.R.T.Y. this week. No, it is not what you think, this is a different party. This party is to Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth. It’s about raising awareness and learning through...
The Growing Pains of High School: Navigating Party Culture on Salt Spring Island
Adele Mark arrived as a newcomer in this community at age 15. She had never been to a high school party before, but it didn’t take long for that to change. For this blog she sat down with Ruby and Sam, two recent graduates of Gulf Island Secondary School to hear their...
‘It is Important to Talk about Consent’
The Circle Education’s Pass it On Girls Program has been running for more than ten years. Facilitator Kate Nash has created a safe space where young girls talk about topics like identity, body image, relationships and consent. The program helped Mia Oliveira (now 19)...