
Fall update/newsletter

October 11, 2017

Fall sunshine graphicThere are some exciting changes upcoming this year, learn more here: Newsletter Fall 2017

Did you know that only $10 gets you a membership to SWOVA that helps support the programs at our agency? It also offers you the power of a vote at our Annual General Meeting so that you can have a voice in shaping our agency and its programming.  If you aren’t on our mailing list, that might be because you don’t yet have a membership!  Memberships can be renewed at any time here:

Photo credit: PCA Falcons

Weekend of Entertainment, Workshops, Recognition and Celebration

Weekend of Entertainment, Workshops, Recognition and Celebration

International Women’s Day March 8, 2014 For over one hundred years, International Women’s Day (IWD) has been a day of celebration and recognition to mark exceptional achievements of women and to build on inequities still to be addressed.  This year SWOVA, IWAV, Victim...

Grand Theft Auto – by Christina Antonick

In one of our Grade 10 Respectful Relationships workshops this past week, we spoke with youth about our 5-month social justice youth facilitator training that we do on Monday evenings after school. Our R+R Youth Team co- facilitate sessions with the Adult Facilitators...

A truly inspiring evening – by Megan Manning

A truly inspiring evening – by Megan Manning

A clear vision, a number of passionate and engaged youth, inspiring performers, and many generous community donations, make up the Sparkfest recipe for success. The vision comes from Kate Maurice – Mentor/Supervisor of SWOVA’s Pass It On program - and from amazing...

My Time in the Youth Team – by Cole Smith

My Time in the Youth Team – by Cole Smith

I feel that the SWOVA youth team has impacted my life in such a dramatic way that it would be an injustice to fail to recognize it. As a graduating member of the Respectful Relationships Youth Team, I can say with confidence that the future is in good hands. Working...

Intentional Mentoring – by Kate Maurice

Intentional Mentoring – by Kate Maurice

In my life, the mentor's I've had have always been people I've recognized after the fact. I think it's rarer when we find ourselves in intentional mentoring.  In either direction — to have the confidence to believe you could be a mentor to someone or conversely the...

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