
International Women’s Week – Smoothies for SWOVA

March 5, 2013

Pride imageMarch 3rd to March 9th is International Women’s Week. Friday March 8th is International Women’s Day. Canada’s theme for International Women’s Day 2013 is Working Together: Engaging Men to End Violence against Women.

Rawsome Living Foods Cafe and Juice Bar is recognizing the important work of violence prevention by donating $1.00 from every smoothie sold this week to SWOVA – Salt Spring Women Opposed to Violence and Abuse for the remarkable work they do to prevent violence and abuse by educating youth about how to have respectful and healthy relationships and fostering youth leadership.

Violence is not just a women’s issue: we ALL have key roles to play in making our country safe for everyone. We ALL have a role to play to keep our island of Salt Spring safe for women, children and men.

So come to Rawsome Living Foods Cafe and Juice Bar this week and have a smoothie and we’ll give  $1/smoothie to SWOVA.

Remember, Smoothie Tuesdays – our smoothies are ONLY $6.75.

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